Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back to School

God Bless All Teachers!

I have a lot of children that I consider mine - not just my grandchildren, but nieces and nephews and children of friends.  Here is a run down of the first week of school.

Nephew, year two - Teacher is mean and he hates school
Nephew, year seven (First year teen) - Girls, girls, girls
Niece, first year - Loves teacher but hates school and isn't going back - doesn't want to take naps (maybe she only sleeps well at home and I can't argue with that)
Granddaughter, first year - Hates teacher she is mean and makes me do what she tells me to and I have to sit at the table and do my work
Granddaughter, second year - Loves the teacher, loves school, loves friends (one out of 6 ain't bad)
Granddaughter, home schooled - Oh well!
Grandson, home schooled (pre-teen) - I'm not ready!

Well, there you have it!  It is a good thing that children are flexible. 

Going to school is a big adjustment for little ones.  Not only do they encounter teachers and friends with different personalities, backgrounds and cultures, they are expected to change their daily routines to fit the pattern of school.  Taking instruction from a stranger is a big change in a little ones life, but if they don't learn to take instruction from others, as adults they will run into one roadblock after another.

It is hard to teach a child that already thinks they know everything, but when you encounter the child that is ea
eager to learn and enjoys the process you have hit pay dirt.  Teachers have the job of encouraging a child to want to learn.  Theirs is the most important job in a child's education.  To be able to instill this desire is a great gift to be spread throughout the classroom. 

There are so many people struggling to survive in today's world simply because they were never instilled with the wonders of learning. 

Thank you teachers and God Bless each and everyone of you.  Until next time . . .

Happy reading!

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