Monday, April 18, 2011


Email received recently

I planted glads a few weeks ago and they haven't come up.  My friends are already sprouting.  what could be the problem?

Dig them up and replant - you probably planted them upside down and they will sprout to the center of the earth.  No, glad bulbs can be tricky.  Make sure the web side is down and the crown up.  Plant is fertile soil theat has been well worked - soil should be loose and not compacted. 

Good luck!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Two weeks ago a very thoughtful neighbor gifted me with 20 biddies.  It was an unsolicited and  wonderful surprise from this man with a heart of gold.

Several weeks ago a neighbors dog killed ten of my laying hens and a rooster.  These are pets that I raised and nurtured for over a year.  The dog's owner offered to pay me for the hens, but having no idea the value to put on my friends, I told them no.  I replaced my Rhode Island Reds with a few Barred Rock hens that were already laying. 

My gift arrived.  A mixture of Rhode Island Red, Red Sexlink and Big Reds, these little biddies became my focus of attention for days.  I wanted to make sure they were safe, warm and well fed and watered.  The little ones settled in quickly.  On Saturday I went out to check their feed and water only to find a 6 foot black snake had eaten seven of my little ones.  My heart fell.  Sunday was a repeat only this four footer only ate three before being caught.  I still have 10 little ones which during the week have relaxed once again and are happily running up and down their pen.  In a couple of weeks they will be too big for the snakes to swallow and I can stop worrying so much.

I think this may have been the reason my egg production dropped from four a day to two a day.  I have some well fed snakes in my area.  The coyote pups have been born also.  I hear their cries late at night and in the early morning in the woods behind the barn.  I am waiting on them also as I know they will be coming my way in search of food. 

I don't think I shall get too attached to the biddies or the new chickens.  Mother Nature is not kind to my heart.  And yes, I know all about the survival instinct, but I still don't like it.

Until next time . . .

Happy reading!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The past can't be changed; 
learn from it
leave it alone
and move forward!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


"Help me to believe what I know"  Dr. Dilday

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."  Matthew 21:22

Strengthen my faith O Lord, that I may be free to do thy work! 

"That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God."  1Corinthians 2:5

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I witnessed a wonderful light show put on by our heavenly Father.  It was such a sight!  The sound effects were outstanding and intimidating.  The lights went out just as the performance started enabling us to get the full benefit of the show without distraction.  The little ones were a bit frightened and had to have some extra attention, but while hubby slept through it all I watched as the show was exhibited through each and every window.

I am sorry for all the damage done by the high winds - that is actually my least favorite thing about a storm. I can hear it but I can't see it - just the effects of its might.  A full bodied storm test all my senses - sight, smell, hearing, taste and feel.  Last night's storm would be considered full bodied.

The crisp bright morning displayed a washed and clean world.  Even the pollen was gone even though I know it will be back. 

I remember the storms of my childhood and can't remember but one or two times that I was actually awed and frightened by the storms.  I cannot remember any of the magnitude that we have experienced in the last few years even though part of that may be because of the extensive media coverage now available.  In the fifties and early sixties I was only aware of the damage done to my house and maybe a neighbor or two.  With today's advancements in television I can see the devastation for miles around.

As with a concert, I enjoyed it while it lasted, but have no desire to see the same thing again too soon.  I hope God has finished with his spring cleaning and now I will get back to mine.

Until next time . . .

Happy reading!