Sunday, September 4, 2011

Remember when . . .

When I went to school our first day of the school year would either be the Tuesday after Labor Day or the Friday after Labor Day.  It also signalled the end of summer and the beginning of those wonderful fall mornings.  We always needed sweaters for our trip to school and had them wrapped around our waists on the trip back home.  After the long hot summers of middle Georgia, we welcomed the cool morning temperatures.  Many years have past since the calendar and the weather matched my school day memories, but I do believe we are getting back on track this year.  Forecasts call for cooler days in the coming week and the mornings have already began with cooler temperatures.

Rain is coming and my dead grass and garden are jumping with anticipation - or is that me hopping around getting ready?  I hope that we receive enough to nourish the roots through our upcoming winter so my plants will flourish in the Spring.  March, April and May are my revitalized months;  welcomed with anticipation that yes, I did survive another cold bleak winter.  September, October and November are my getting prepared to rest months and finish all my summer chores.  I love these six months more than any other.   I don't function well in the heat of summer nor the cold of winter.  I will be sorry to see the pool close for the year.  the kids have progressed greatly this summer in their swimming abilities and their diving is getting is much better.

I am looking forward to a fall filled with sewing for my girls and keeping the fall garden going.  Hope it provides as well as the summer garden.  We have been eating good!

A last summer trip from my grandchildren to the north, this weekend has been filled with bonding, eating and swimming.  A fun Labor Day weekend with lots of hugs for Nanna. 

As our world turns and until next time . . .

Happy reading!

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