Monday, September 24, 2012

Unwanted Visitors

The shrill cry of a young hawk had me scrambling for 4 week old biddies and my precious chihuahuas early this morning.  Prayers were interrupted as I watched and waited for the deathly dipping swoop of this bird in search of prey.   So beautiful to watch as they glide swiftly and gracefully through the sky, these keen eyed predators are deadly to my small animals.

The hens ran for cover and Miss Betty and her chicks froze where they stood.  How this feisty hen conveyed to her chicks the danger of moving is a wonder.  They held the frozen position for 3 minutes before resuming their foraging.  The hens are still staying close to the porch or under the shrubbery - both favorite havens.  The roosters are on patrol, one in the front yard and one in the back. 

Last week my beautiful rooster tangled with this beautiful creature and lost a cone and most of his neck feathers.  He survived the attack and his valiant efforts to protect his flock of hens paid off.  Matilda fell prey to a hawk last fall. An aging Rhode Island Red hen that could no longer flee as quickly as she once could, Matilda was caught in the deadly talons of a large hawk hunting in the area. 

Snakes, hawks, owls, weasels, coyotes and cats are deadly to my menagerie and it appears we have them all.  That's one way to keep me on my toes.  Until next time . .

Happy reading!

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