Monday, November 18, 2019

OLD dog NEW tricks

I have been struggling for almost 3 weeks with a upper respiratory infection. I say struggle, as I am prone to bronchitis and if I don’t keep the sinus’ in check it moves quickly to more serious issues. This morning I decided to try something a bit different.

Well if I wasn’t brain damaged before, I dang sure am now!  With all the congestion I decided I would wash my sinus’ out with the nasal attachment of my water pic. Would have been good if I had turned it down from high and full force to slow and easy, but no, I had to blow my brains through my skull and water dripped from every orafice above my neck! Dang it still hurts and I swear I have a brain leak!

The sinus’ are very clear for now, but are sore and I know there is a lot of bruising! So far no blood or brain matter so I think I will survive, but I will not go full force with that sucker again!

Much love, keep smiling!


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