Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Zero

So tiny, so white, so sweet, Zero's name came from my favorite candy bar.

Zero is my oldest chihuahua which I received as a birthday present 5 years ago. A teeny tiny thing, white with the cutest pink nose, he quickly ruled my world. A cuddle bunny by nature, he sat tucked under his cover sleeping peacefully while I read and Hubby watched TV. Hubby could not stand to leave him alone during the day and would stop by the house to check on him every chance he got, sometimes scooping him up to ride with him on his many trips.

A bit of knowledge - Chihuahua's never grow up. They get bigger and older, but emotionally they remain babies. Zero still sucks a sock he took over when he was a baby, but will also suck on the side of your pants or top while sleeping. Chihuahua's also love their cover, probably because they are easily chilled, and will burrow under rather than sleep on their blanket. Chihuahua's are also wonderful watch dogs, but are not much protection unless the agressor has weak ankles. The Chihuahua shiver comes from a number of things - fear, cold, excitement - they just shiver and shake.

The first year of Zero's life was one of leisure. He laid around in the sun on the porch, nibbled at the many treats he was provided and oohed and aahed over by everyone who came to visit. He remained a small white bundle of joy. He lays on the porch in the late afternoon soaking up the sun (chihuahuas will do this for hours) and loved the weekends when he could stay out all day. Then one Saturday he disappeared. Hubby was changing the oil in the truck and he had brought Zero off the porch. Zero was too small to go down the steps and had been on the ground only a few times. Busy with the vehicle, Hubby failed to see the little white dot at the edge of the yard, but was alerted by a truck that had stopped on our rural road. Standing up to stretch, he noticed the details of the truck as the truck took off racing down the road. Then he noticed that Zero was no where to be found. He ran into the house looking for our baby only to find no Zero. I grieved! I cried, I blamed, I was really distraught. Putting our heads together, we started investigating the truck. It took until Thursday, but with the assistance of some friends Zero was found and returned. If he wasn't spoiled before, he sure was immediately following his return. He was filthy dirty, smelled horrible, and was starved and thirsty. In just a few hours he was back to his "King" status though still cautious with fear wavering in his eyes. Needless to say Zero is not left unattended much any more.

Very defiant, if ignored or disciplined, Zero will get revenge. You just never know the form the revenge will take. Jealous of strangers, but wonderful with the grandchildren, he knows the difference.

Thank you Hubby for the best birthday present I have ever received.

Happy reading!


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