Thursday, February 18, 2010

Spring is Coming!

If I say that enough, maybe it will come on!  Check the weather for our area this morning and guess what 3 days of 50 degree weather, followed by another cold week.  But no rain, except for Monday, so-o-o I cut my potatoes so they can cure and I can finally get them planted.  I had read that it was best to allow the cuts on the potatoes to "scab" over to prevent rot.  I had never heard this before and have previously just cut and planted.  Maybe this will mean more as well as healthier plants. 

I know I am late in my planting,  but according to my friends planting chart I should be able to plant on the 1st through the 6th of March.  That will give the little cuts 10 days to cure before going in the now soggy ground.  I tried to test the ground last week.  I dug a little hole which immediately filled with water.  My little potato eyes wouldn't stand a chance, so I have postponed until the ground can dry a bit and warm up a little.

I am so anxious to see new green growth I can hardly stand it.  Even the chickens are no laying regular.  Guess their little tushes get cold trying to push those eggs out.  Can't much blame them.  Chickens actually need so many hours of sun a day to be productive layers and we definitely have been lacking in getting sunshine.

I still have much pruning to do.  Yes, I am behind on that too, but I have an aversion to not only cold, but wet weather.  Combine the two and I become non-functional. 

I want to insert a request before I bid you farewell for today.  The season is always in for giving and supporting the Breast Cancer Foundation.  It is coming on the time for the wonderful efforts of the many "relays for life".  As a breast cancer survivor I would much appreciate all the support you can give in any of these efforts whether it be time, money, or some other venue.  But right now you can click on the breast cancer awareness site and "click" for free mamograms.  There have been tremendous strides in the fight against all cancers. Any and all support is greatly appreciated!

Time to move forward and get myself in gear. Thanks for dropping by.

Happy reading!

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