Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Late Spring Update

A very fruitful two weeks! 

I have been to a Tax Assessors class and learned a lot of very useful information.  We had a veteran instructor who enlightened us on the many property tax laws and the effects of exemptions on the property taxes we pay.  I was pleased with my week as I learned a lot and also met a lot of interesting and wonderful people.

My venture into hatching duck eggs was successful in one way and not so in another.  The first duck to hatch was wonderful.  No, not at first as he was covered in slimy goop and floppy, but in a few hours time he was waddling slowly and his down dried to a wonderful cream color.  His entire life lasted only 36 hours as I found him stiff as a board with no clue as to what had ended his little life.  He ate and drank within the first 12 hours and seemed fine when I last checked on him/her.  I still have a couple of eggs in the incubator, but am not very hopeful on their hatching after so many days.  I am not one that is easily discouraged and intend on trying again.

I have raised the roof over the death of two of my squash plants.  It appeared that some varmit had played around in the hill and destroyed my plants.  I checked again yesterday and found some foul looking bug chomping away at the stem right at ground level.  As much as I dislike Sevin, the garden got a good dusting with the offenders getting an extra good dose.  Probably not going to be able to save the hill, but maybe they won't spread to the neighboring plants.  I will replant to replace the lost plants in a week or so to keep a good supply coming all summer.  Potatoes, beans, squash and beets have been delicious and we will soon have some broccoli and eggplant.  Hurray for summer food!

My hummingbirds are emptying their feeder every two days now and with the onset of higher temperatures and longer days I will soon be filling the feeder every day.  They are so beautiful to watch as they zip and zoom around the porch and through the trees. 

We have Catalpa worms for the first time in 6 years.  Water helps everything!  Almost all the leaves on one tree have been devoured and half of another tree.  We will be catching lots of fish this year! I know the Catalpa is the best fish bait in the world and from experience I know catfish love them!  

My grandson is moving forward by leaps and bounds in Boy Scouts.  I am so proud of the work he has done. The Boy Scout organization gives boys an extra boost in preparing them on their journey toward adulthood.  He has set his goals and is following through towards attaining those goals.  Congrats to Joseph!

I am looking forward to the next two weeks.  A family cookout this weekend and a visit with neices I don't get to see near often enough and then my class reunion.  I can hardly wait to see friends I have not seen or heard from in 41 years. 

I am reading a most enjoyable book by Dan Brown -The Lost Symbol.  Intriguing!

A little apart here - I have heard through the grapevine that much fun has been made of my simple writings.  I am a simple person - which does not mean I am simple minded.  My blog is written so my friends and far away family can keep in touch with my daily doings and is not written in order to expound with hate filled comments the situations of others and their lives.  If I can bring a smile to your face even if produced as a result of derision, I have accomplished a goal.  My hope is to make everyone smile!  I can't change your heart, but I can put a smile on your face.

Thanks for visiting and until next time . . .

Happy reading!

1 comment:

Jenjie said...

you put a smile on my face :) Love ya!