Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Awful Age

You know that age between being a cute little kid and a wonderful young adult. You know the nothing age - can't say nothing right, can't do nothing right.

Nothing you say comes out right - it is either too smart mouth or sounds really stupid. You try to be cute with other kids and they look at you like your a freak. You try to be cute with adults and they look at you like your a freak. You just don't fit in quite in the same place as that cute kid once did.

You still get a kick out of swinging on the playground, but the other kids will call you a dork. You enjoy rough housing and horsing around, but the other kids think you want to fight not play - even Mom and Dad think you're too rough. When did you get that strong? You are too old to say you'll kick some butt like you did when you were a little kid and everyone thought it was funny. Now if you say it they think you're a bully. How will football ever survive? Some of these kids will never make it in wrestling - a land of wimps.

Girls remember when you could do cartwheels down the driveway until you reached the awful age. Now you hear - keep your dress down, young ladies don't sit like that, put your legs down, that's not ladylike - from cute kid to lady overnight. Wow! How many times have you heard "don't get smart mouth with me, young lady."

Even what you say is always wrong. Sometimes I just ask a simple question like when I ask Dad why he kept buying onions when they gave him gas. How was I suppose to know that everyone in Kroger didn't need to know that onions gave Dad gas and that he had diarrhea last night? Those people in Wal Mart thought it was funny when I reminded Mom what Dad said about not spending too much money, but Mom sure didn't. I just stay in trouble!

Do not ever tell anyone, even your grandmother, that Mom colors her hair. Moms can stay made forever for that one and you will never get to do anything again! This one is confusing to me because make such a fuss when she colors her hair until someone tells her it is beautiful. Then she doesn't want anyone to know - boy this adult business takes a lot of learning. And never ever talk about anybody's weight - at home or in public. That will get you busted big time!

Another thing - do not tell your aunt or uncle anything your mom or dad says about them - same thing with grandma and grandpa. Not only will you get in trouble, but everybody gets mad at everybody else and then there is a family war going on.

School is horrible. You play army all the time and have all the good weapons - shoot the enemy, blow up the tanks, throw grenades, shoot the fighter plane out of the sky - then all of a sudden you can't pretend to kill anybody. Well, duh! How is the army suppose to win the war? When did the rules change? The cute little kid spent hours pretending to be the good guy fighting to clean the world of the bad guys and now that you're not quite a young adult, you can't do that anymore. It will get you in trouble. I know all the shootings and killings in the schools, but I am not talking about really killing somebody. It sure gets confusing - this awful age.

Mom keeps telling me it will all make sense one day, but it sure is hard right now. I have learned a lot though as you can tell. I know what not to say in some cases, but other times, I still say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I feel bad a lot of the time when I have said the wrong thing and caused a ruckus - it sometimes makes me not think I am too smart, then other times I think people are just dumb. Grandma tells me to always be careful of what I say and what I do; never say or do things that might hurt someone and always try to say nice things about people. She always says, God don't love ugly. I know she means God doesn't like it when we act ugly, but God loves everybody - even the wimps, even me when my mouth gets smart.

I don't know how long this awful age will last, but I am sure ready to get to the next stage. I think its known as a young adult.

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