Monday, October 5, 2009

The Fun of Yard Sales

It has been over twenty years since I had a yard sale. I had a flea market booth at High Falls. That was my cancer recovery emotional self-treatment that lasted for about 2 years, then I decided to heck with this I will live and proceeded to get on with my life. It is really easy to languish in self pity and the compassion of others, but that in itself is debilitating.

On to the topic, I had a yard sale this weekend and thoroughly enjoyed myself! Yes, I was very tired at the end of the day, but it was well worth it! I believe I was made for retail sales. And my hubby - a born car salesman - no offense to you car salesman - but he has a knack for relating to any and everyone. A born conversationalist, he can talk the horns off a brass billy goat.

We met neighbors we had not met, saw neighbors that we are all too busy to stop and visit with, and then people from north and south just passing by on their way to somewhere else. Did we make any money? Yes, but not a fortune and what else would we be doing on a beautiful early fall afternoon other than sitting in front of the television letting some football team that doesn't really affect us at all get us in a dander?

People stopping at yard sales have changed though. They came later, lingered longer, and were happy to chat. But, they didn't want to haggle! That is the fun part of a yard sale and we were ready, able, and loaded for bear, but didn't have any takers. They chose what they wanted, tried to pay the price and get on their way. Didn't stop hubby - he lowered the price on loads of stuff without being asked and gave away a truck load of stuff. He really was a hoot and I probably could have sold tickets to watch him work and made more money than I did selling books, baby stuff and clothes. Maybe I will try that on the next one!

I must add here - have a yard sale with a friend. It makes the time go faster and is much more enjoyable. My friend was a fantastic partner and we had a fun day!

I felt so much livelier today - maybe there is something to this self-treatment of mine! Or maybe I just needed to interact with someone other than the world's greatest salesman! Happy reading!


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