Monday, July 19, 2010

Pears, Spiders and other anomalies of my life

I have an abundance of pears this year which due to the weight of the little gems has led to the loss of many limbs out of my three trees.  Now the squirrels have started devouring them so I don't look to have many left to ripen.  They love pear seeds and don't mind one bit chopping down to the core of the pears to get to the seeds.  Strange though, once they eat the seeds the rest of the pear goes on the ground to rot.  Finicky little eaters, but I will sure have some fat squirrels to make dumplings with this fall!

The spiders are out again also.  I found the largest milk/writing spider I have seen to date guarding the handle to the barn faucet.  I hate to disturb a web in the wild as they catch so many insects. but this fierce looking spider was not about to get a chance of tasting my skin.  I broke part of the web so I good but on the faucet and left the other alone.  I don't think he/she was happy, but this morning the break was repaired so maybe I am somewhat forgiven.  I hope it understands when I have to break it loose again this afternoon. 

It will be a busy week outside with all the wonderful rain we received the past four days.  The temps are set to rise but I think I can get it all done before it gets too hot.  Work is calling so until next time . . .

Happy reading!

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