I am a Facebook fan. I really enjoy keeping in touch with friends and family via this media. I have re-connected with so many friends through this medium and on the whole it has been a most rewarding experience. I have learned, however, to be very very careful of not only what I post, but the verbiage I use in expressing myself. I have learned that what I post can easily be misinterpreted and can lead to a barrage of negative comments. I have also learned that there are different "kinds " of friends.
When I befriend someone on Facebook, I am allowing them access to my posted actions and thoughts. They are entitled to make what they want of those posts and I am left at their mercy - whether positive or negative. Sadly, most of the time the negativity takes the lead and I am left open to ridicule or worse pity. A handful of friends will make supportive comments and offer prayers up on my behalf in the proper Christian manner.
Not long ago, I received a message from someone I know of, but do not "know" accusing me of unkind comments. I have no association with this person, but have friends that are close friends of theirs and I was confused as to what she was referring to. Our mutual friends had made some unsavory comments referencing this person to me and my response was "I know the type." Big mistake, it was carried back that I had made the comments, which was totally untrue. This was confusion over the spoken word, imagine the impact if this had been written.
I have learned to keep my comments short, positive and hopefully expressive of my Christian faith. To those that I have poked fun at through any comments, I apologize profusely and will keep those comments off my posts henceforth.
Written words have the ability to make or break a person. There is no intonation available to indicate any emotion, there is no facial expressions to judge any emotion, there is just the words written down to be interpreted by the reader in any manner they see fit without the benefit of the emotion of the writer. So, be very careful of what you write and how you write. It may not be read by a supportive Christian with love in their hearts. Until next time . . .
Happy reading!
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