Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What to do?!?

The great paternal leader of our tribe is down and out.  Don't walk so heavy, don't walk so close, don't don't don't!  My Dad is down with his bad (right) leg again and even though we're pretty sure its a blood clot (he has a long and horrid history of the things) he refuses to go back to the hospital even one more time. The answer is no, no, no.  The movement of air close to his leg or the vibration of the floor can set the pain in action causing much groaning and moaning and no end to the torture.   At 86, he can be rather firm in his intent and still considers the rest of the tribe rather stupid and superfluous. 

Mom sits and wrings her hands and weeps now and again, but don't let her fool you, she is tough as nails.  The only problem is she has a concience and as a result feels guility as sin if she tells him to shut up and let's go.  So, mentally she is saying those very words as he is moaning and groaning at her side. 

They are both tired of life and living, tired of family and all that ensues and really would rather be ledt alone, but in our infinite wisdom, we continue to try to take care of them causing unknown despair and frustration.  At the same time, they are afraid of the loneliness and abandonment.  Getting old is so much harder than it looks and getting closer and closer to the end is terrifying, Christian or not - no one is ready for it to all be over.

I do not have the patience to deal with either.  Called pragmatic, uncaring, self-centered, or whatever, their rudeness to others and each other is uncalled for and puts me in a state.  I was raised by the best and have learned their behavior patterns well.  My one desire is not be as mean and cantankerous as they are to each other and to us children.  I am well aware that pain can change anyone and quickly.  It can turn the most meek and mild into a rattlesnake and there is no controlling it.  God bless my sister.  She seems to be able to handle both of them in spite of their actions. 

Regardless, Dad is down and out and Mom is forced to be nice to him and not nag, so please keep them both in your prayers.   Dad has promised to visit the doctor tomorrow if he is no better and he is known for keeping such promises.  You can bet he is sitting in that chair trying to figure out a new way to disguise his suffering to prevent a trip to the doctor.

Press Release from the great tribal leader-
Don't get excited, I ain't gonna die.  I am feeling better, but my leg still hurts.  I got and walked today, but I had to drag my leg behindme a little bit.  It is going to be okay.  I am okay! Can't get any rest cause there are too many people here to sleep.  Wouldn't be proper to tell them to go home.

So, he has spoken.  The truth of it is, he doesn't want to go to the doctor tomorrow and unless he is racked with pain and can't get any relief, he won't go.  Period. The end.  BUT... the granddaughter is on the way home and she is bigger than the great tribal leader!Love to all . . .

Happy reading!

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