Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Catch up two

My heart has taken a beating this week.  A varmint of some kind killed seven of my chickens on Sunday and then another chicken on Monday.  I could have cried.  It would have been one thing if it was a varmint looking for food, but only one leg of a chicken was eaten, the rest were killed just for fun which leads me to believe that it may have been a domesticated animal.  I know we have fox and coyotes around so I can't be sure.  Hubby did put a cage trap out, but so far it remains empty.

I have endured much teasing and fun about my chickens and that is okay.  They were pets to me as well as providing food.  Matilda is the only pet I have left and she is running scared.  The three round heads are not open to human touch and are by nature a skittish bird.  They will automatically go to the roost when approached which is probably why they are still alive.  The others were caught in the outside pen and slaughtered.

They will all be replaced, but until we catch the killer the 4 remaining will have to be content with each other. 

There are seven cardinals at the feeder today fighting over a spot at the seed.  Is this a sign of colder weather coming our way?  Will all this water that's falling freeze overnight?  Even the forecasters are unsure about the front headed our way.  Oh how I am ready for those warm temps once again!

Burned the garden spot off yesterday and took care of some pruning.  The Althea had gotten out of control and it really got whacked.  Cleaned the hydrangeas out - removing all the dead stuff and old growth.  Plan to split some of my stock that has really gotten thick and overgrown.  I would like to put in some dahlias this year and will have to decide soon so I can get them in the ground. 

I have been absorbed in the tales of the Sisterchicks and these stories are so uplifting.  Take a minute to read one of their adventures it will brighten your day.

Until next time . . .

Happy reading!

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