Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sun Bonnets

I am having so much fun making sun bonnets.  Summer is right around the corner and since the garden will be calling or rather demanding my attention, I knew I needed a new hat to keep that sun off my face and neck no to mention my tender head.  I found a pattern and made a sample.  I am known for remaking a pattern, so I cut out another added a piece or two and tucked and gathered until I was satisfied.  Now my granddaughters want a bonnet like Nanna's so I have cut another pattern - downsized and revised - and have made a couple of them for the girls.  Today I have cut out two more an adult and a child's to match.  I found some medium weight felt I am going to try in the brim and see if it holds as well as the muslin.  I tried poly fill, but it didn't work as well for me as I like a tailored look and the poly was a bit too fluffy.  These are so easy to make with only two main pieces and then the ties and the carrier.  A little sewing, gathering and threading and you have a bonnet.  I am planning a black satin just for the effect and I found some beautiful turkey feathers I may add to the brim.

After I wear these little hats a few times, I will be adjusting and revising again as needed for comfort and fit and in no time I will have developed my perfect bonnet.  Can't wait for all the girls to try theirs so I can tell what needs to be changed or revised. 

Next on my list is an old fashion garden apron with large pockets for gathering veggies and herbs and to carry my hand tools.  I am on a roll for now.  I can go years with sewing a stitch but when the mood hits I go like crazy. 

Berets were my object of interest last week and I made three in as many days.  I have some thoughts for these little jewels also.  They are so simple to make, especially for the girls.  The only problem is they grow so fast the beret doesn't fit for long.  Luckily there is little fabric and even less time in constructing these toppers.

I am contemplating making some fancy kitchen aprons.  Does anyone wear aprons anymore?  Um-m-m, something to think about.  But, hats have been on my mind lately.  I feel warm with a fuzzy hat on my head and have always gotten so much joy out of the wearing.  I will try to post some pics with instructions when I get my revisions done.

I am getting back to my sewing now, so until next time  . . .

Happy reading!

1 comment:

Jenjie said...

Aprons are very popular now...they are very in fashion!