Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I just received an email stating that 86% of Americans are Christian and encouraging Christians to stand up for keeping God in our country via the pledge ofallegiance, In God We Trust on our coins, prayer in our schools and school events and all the other ways that OUR government is trying to cater to the non believers by removing God from out country.

As Christians we have prayed for peace, for love, for understanding, for acceptance and yet what we fail to realize is that Christians have been fighting throughout the ages for the right to worship and not become slaves to believers of other religions.  Yes, I said fighting - not turning the other cheek.  We all wish for and pray for peace and harmony throughout the world, but that is not happening.  There comes a time when we must be prepared to fight for our beliefs. 

Am I a radical?  Goodness no, but I am willing to give my life so that the Christian belief and way of life can survive. 

Until next time . . .

Happy Reading!

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