Thursday, November 18, 2010

Time for Reflection

The week before Thanksgiving is always my time of reflection.  There is always so much to be thankful for, but there is also so much that I feel I could have done differently.  Not a time for regret, just a time of adjusting ones thinking so that in the coming year my actions and reactions can be more positive and fulfilling.

With only a month and a half left in this year, there is not much time left to accomplish great things, but today is the first day  - well you know. 

I have made new friends and reconnected with old friends this year - there are two that I have spoken with but not really re-established a relationship with and that is a project that I hope to rectify soon.  It has brought my heart joy and comfort to see these people again; to remember the joys of youth; and to take many strolls down memory lane.  Forty plus years ago we all parted and started on our life journeys.  For twelve years our journeys were focused on each other and then we were declared ready to start our life without instruction.  It is interesting to see what paths each chose to follow and the changes we have all been through.  It is a sad fact that we, as a whole, have not been a healthy group and many have been lost in that 40 years.  Dear ones, know that you were missed at our great reunion.  Thank you Dawn for bringing much sunshine, smiles and joy into many lives this past year.

Every day my faith becomes deeper and I am in awe of the works of God.  God is far from being dead as I am witnessing daily, but the pull of the world on our youth is a frightening thing.  Our youth must be guarded and guided to follow in the steps of our Lord.  Pray for our youth which is our tomorrow.

Hubby and I have had a healthy year without any major calamities.  We experienced the loss of hubby's father this year, but by the grace of God it was not a long, drawn out sickness.  Missed by family and friends, his loss had a sobering effect on his family. 

We also had two marriages in our family this year which is always a celebration.  I am now looking forward to hearing of upcoming births from some of our younger ones.  Nothing brings joy like the birth of a child!  The first of the grandchildren are entering their teen age years and that is always an interesting time.  There are so many changes that a person goes through at this age.  It is a most difficult time and one of great change.  I love to hear the sound of their voices changing.  I know it is frustrating to them and sometimes embarrassing, but it shows they are in transition from childhood to manhood.  We have four boys in our group and five girls and I can't wait until these girls reach their age of maturity and the changes they will go through.  I am so glad they all have stable parents to guide their thoughts and actions.  So much to look forward to!

The families will all gather next week to catch up on "what's happening" and to fill their stomachs with every one's favorite recipes.  I look forward to seeing and visiting with each and everyone.  My wish for you is a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving! 

Until next time  . . .
Happy Reading!

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